Vision and Mission
‘We at Karve Institute of Social Service envisage a society, which ensures peace, harmony, dignity, justice and equal opportunities for development of individuals and communities through planned social work interventions by a committed cadre of professionals.’
Our mission is to strive for excellence in social work education training and research by upholding social work values and the nobility of the profession
To train students to deal with various social problems.
To study and conduct research regarding social issues and situations.
To co-ordinate and promote social work activities.
To offer consultancy and assistance relating to and in pursuance of the objectives of the institute.
To undertake and monitor all such activities which would help to improve socioeconomic conditions of the community.
To endeavour for the promotion of general social welfare, education, medical relief and to act for the well-being of the community.
To promote and run educational institutions right from pre-school education to post graduate level including M.S.W., M.Phil, Ph.D. and in other suitable fields with a social bias
To retain and/or employ skilled professionals or technical advisors and other staff and workers in fulfilment with the objects of the Institute and to pay thereof such fees, honoraria or remuneration as may be considered suitable.
To constitute Research Advisory Committee consisting of eminent social workers, educationists and citizens for rendering guidance and assistance to the Institute in its activities connected with research work.
To establish, promote, co-operate, collaborate with and/or become members of any association or other bodies having similar objects and to accept/gain or arrange for mutual financial and other assistance.
To do or to cause to be done all such lawful acts or things as are not contrary to the spirit and the principles of the constitution of the Institute, nor to the laws under which this Institute is organised and shall be conducive or incidental to the social,moral, cultural, educational and physical welfare in general and to make such alterations to the objectives of the Institute as deemed necessary.