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Why Social Work

Answering the WHY in Social Work

J.Krishnamurti in his pursuit of the 'good society' emphasised the individual's relationship to society as well as his/her responsibility for establishing a 'good society'.The vision of a Just Society is the core of social work profession.Professional social work has drawn its theories and practice from the social realities.As this profession contributes in the development and change in society, it also expands the knoledge and practice base from the changing society and emerging challanges.


Social work education aims at developing critical thinkin ,perspective, appropriate values and skills required for practice. Social work education is divided into three parts:knowing,attitudinal or feeling dimension and skills or doing dimension.These categories ,if are cross plotted with the four stages of problem solving process of social work(assesment,setting objectives,implementation and evaluation) , it produces the curriculum matrix for the practice of professional social work.


Choose your program

The basic objectives of these courses are:

  • To be a source of proficient young men and women with essential knowledge, skills, values and attitudes ready to take over managerial/administrative and technological job positions in business, industry and the government.

  • To facilitate transfer of relevant knowledge from the field of management and information technology theory and practice to the students.

  • To hone the managerial skills of students.

  • To develop the right kind of ideals and approach amongst students to function effectively in Managerial / administrative positions.

Committed To Excellence In Education

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined!”

Certificate Course

Corporate Social Responsibility

“Action is the foundational key to all success.”

Post Graduate Diploma 

Corporate Social Responsibility

“It’s up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.”

Post Graduate Diploma

Counselling & Mental Health

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