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Masters - Social Work

The MSW Program

Karve Institute of Social Service offers four specializations. Trainees have the choice to select one specialization at the time of seeking admission, as per revised MSW syllabus & rules.

  • Family and Child Welfare

  • Medical and Psychiatric Social Work

  • Human Resource Management

  • Urban and Rural Community Development


Family and Child Welfare

This specialization which focuses on all aspects of the family, qualifies graduates to work as Social Workers in institutions for women and children, Supervisors of the Integrated Child Development Scheme, as Family Counsellors in Family Courts, as Counsellors in schools and in a variety of research and development programmes. The trainees will have to work with individuals and families in crises, with children with emotional, adjustment and behavioural problems and with people with special needs.

Human Resource Management

This specialization is concerned with the human resources and the dynamic situations in industry. It is an essential qualification for the post of Labour Welfare Officers under the Factories Act, 1948. The specialization equips the graduates to work as Personnel Officers and HR Executives in the Public / Private /Service sector. Students will be placed in industrial organizations for fieldwork during the Second Year of training.

Medical and Psychiatric Social Work

This is an essential qualification for employment as Medical and Psychiatric Social Workers in General Hospitals and medical settings. Students are placed for fieldwork in general hospitals, mental hospitals, child guidance clinics, de-addiction centres and social welfare departments of industries. Only those persons with an aptitude to work with the sick and willing to acquire knowledge of various physical and metal health problems may opt for this specialization.

Urban and Rural Community Development

This specialization equips social work graduates to work as Community Organisers, Supervisors and Project Officers in community based organisations working with the underprivileged groups in rural and urban areas. Students will be placed in both urban and rural settings for fieldwork during the second year of training. They will be expected to have a high level of motivation and develop skills to draw peoples’ participation in community work carried out by Government and Non-Government organisations.


Students admitted to the Institute will be subject to the discipline of the Director, Faculty and other appropriate Officers.

A copy of the Institute’s Rules and Regulations will be given to the student after securing admission. All students are expected to abide by these rules throughout the period of training. The Institute reserves the right to cancel the admission of any student who fails to observe the rules and discipline of the Institute

In case a student is found to be unsuitable for the social work profession due to valid reasons, the Director and the Faculty reserve the right to ask the student to discontinue the course at any time during the period of training.


As per the Supreme Court decision, GOI, UGC and Law, Government and University rules and regulations ‘ragging’ in any form is strictly prohibited in the College Campus, Hostels, Field Work agencies or anywhere and during the tenure of course. Involvement of students, directly or indirectly in any ragging activity will lead to cancellation of admission.

Field Work

Field work is a very distinct feature and an integral part of the total MSW degree programme.Field Work enables the students to integrate and reinforce the theoretical knowledge and information acquired through classroom instruction and develop skills through actual practice under competent supervision from the agency and by the faculty supervisors. Each student is placed in a specific organization for field work every term during the two years period of training. Every student is required to put in 15 hours of field work per week in the organization in which he / she is placed for field work.

The field work component of the MSW course is organized into Concurrent field work and Block field work. The Institute has a very well-developed field work programme with a meticulously worked out field work curriculum. There is a major thrust on joint inputs by faculty and agency supervisors through collaborative relationships with a number of field work agencies. Additional inputs through out-station or issue-related camps may be given for enhanced experience. Apart from the concurrent field work, the Institute organizes Orientation Visits in the first term, Advanced Orientation Visits in the second term and the Study Tour in the second year.

Attendance at the Orientation Visits, Advanced Orientation Visits and and Rural Camp is compulsory. Serious cognizance is taken of absence at Orientation Visits, Advanced Orientation Visits, Field Work, Study Tour and Block Field Work. After the terminal examination, 1st year students will be expected to attend the rural camp.
Absence at any of the above may result in cancellation of terms.

Research Project

Every student is expected to conduct research on a selected topic, write the research reportand submit the Research Project as partial fulfillment of the requirements of the MSW degree.

The students are guided by the faculty members in the process of conducting the research.The preparation of the Research Project is based on the application of the theory of the subject on Research Methodology in the MSW syllabus. The Research Project is to be submitted along with a copy of the Abstract at the end of second year to the Institute Office according to the stipulated schedule before 15th of March of every year. Completion of the Project Report and its approval by the Research Project Guide is a pre-requisite to appearing at the final examination of second year MSW.

Skill and Research Laboratory

Social work education lays great emphasis on developing appropriate skills required forworking with people effectively. This is significant because the professionally trained social workers are one of the important agents of change. The laboratory experience offered by the Institute provides organized opportunities and simulated experiences for the trainees for developing the necessary understanding, skills and expertise for working with people and doing research.

The Skill Laboratory which is a unique feature of the Institute enables students to develop skills necessary for understanding self, communicating, interviewing, making audio-visual presentations and recording.

The Research Laboratory provides the students with experience in designing research and project proposals, preparing tools for data collection, data processing and analyzing data, using statistical tests and presenting research data.

Block Field Work Placement

After the Annual Examination of second year MSW, the student is placed in an organisation for a period of 30 continuous days for Block Field Work. During this period the student is expected to work as an intern and study all the relevant aspects of the organization and learn to function as a full-fledged professional social worker. Certification of satisfactory completion of block placement by the organization is necessary for declaration of the MSW result and obtaining the MSW degree.


Orientation Visits

The Orientation programme is an unique process of the MSW Programme at Karve Institute. All the first year students have to be a part of the orientation programme that develops a base for social work. As a part of this, all students regardless of their specializations are taken to organisations working with children, women,  geriatric care and special children / adults, medical and industrial settings. Students get a gist of all the specializations which creates an understanding of the course they are a part of.

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Advanced Orientation Visits

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Advanced Orientation Visits are based on giving exposure to the field of specialization to the students according to their specializations. Students are taken to organizations working in the fields of their specialization that adds to the knowledge and understanding of the field before beginning the field work in the second year. The second year field work is purely specialization wise where students are placed at the organizations working in those areas. 

FCW students are taken to courts, family, women and child care centres and government departments related to the field, HRM students are taken to industries, trade unions and government departments related to labour or workforce, MPSW students are taken to organisations working for mental health, special children, hospital and medical settings, URCD students are taken to organisations working with the urban, rural or tribal communities, unions and government departments related to community development.

Rural Camp

Rural camp is another interesting part of the MSW Programme, where students get an exposure to the rural or tribal community by directly interacting with the people, actually staying there for 7 days and experiencing the issues faced or any requirements.

Objectives of Rural Camp: -

■ To Orient and add on practical Knowledge of the students on different Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Techniques like Social Mapping, Transact walk/Resource mapping, Opportunity Mapping, Seasonal Mapping, Focus Group Discussion necessary for Micro-Planning of the village.

■ To provide an opportunity to the students to update their learning based on demonstrative skills and knowledge through the rural camp.

■ To add on learning about how to initiate participatory planning and developing ownership of the villagers, Grampanchayat members by carrying the development process. 

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Study Tour

Study Tour is arranged in the second year of the MSW Programme. Students are given an exposure to the organisations working in the field of their specialization in other states. This is a great learning process as students with the help of faculty plan for the visits to organisations, communicate with them and after the entire tour, a seminar has to be arranged to present the learning of the study tour. It is that part of the programme where learning takes place with enjoyment together through the journey to another state. 

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