The MSW Program

M.S.W. Programme:

The Institute offers four specialization courses for the Master in Social Work Programme: Family and Child Welfare, Medical and Psychiatric Social Work, Human Resources Management, and Urban and Rural Community Development.

To bring uniformity in standards and status at par with other National and International Universities, Pune University has adopted the semester and credit pattern since June 2008. It has reviewed and changed the MSW curricula substantially. The Institute has played a significant role in developing curricula that address the emerging challenges and needs of diverse social realities. Some of the fieldwork components, such as orientation visits, advanced orientation visits, rural camps and study tours, have been given weightage in the fieldwork component and are the regular components of the new curriculum.


Family and Child Welfare


Human Resource Management


Medical and Psychiatric Social Work


Urban and Rural Community Development



Family and Child Welfare

This specialization which focuses on all aspects of the family, qualifies graduates to work as Social Workers in institutions for women and children, Supervisors of the Integrated Child Development Scheme, as Family Counsellors in Family Courts, as Counsellors in schools and in a variety of research and development programmes. The trainees will have to work with individuals and families in crises, with children with emotional, adjustment and behavioural problems and with people with special needs.


Human Resource Management

This specialization is concerned with the human resources and the dynamic situations in industry. It is an essential qualification for the post of Labour Welfare Officers under the Factories Act, 1948. The specialization equips the graduates to work as Personnel Officers and HR Executives in the Public / Private /Service sector. Students will be placed in industrial organizations for fieldwork during the Second Year of training.


Medical and Psychiatric Social Work

This is an essential qualification for employment as Medical and Psychiatric Social Workers in General Hospitals and medical settings. Students are placed for fieldwork in general hospitals, mental hospitals, child guidance clinics, de-addiction centres and social welfare departments of industries. Only those persons with an aptitude to work with the sick and willing to acquire knowledge of various physical and metal health problems may opt for this specialization.


Urban and Rural Community Development

This specialization equips social work graduates to work as Community Organisers, Supervisors and Project Officers in community based organisations working with the underprivileged groups in rural and urban areas. Students will be placed in both urban and rural settings for fieldwork during the second year of training. They will be expected to have a high level of motivation and develop skills to draw peoples’ participation in community work carried out by Government and Non-Government organisations.