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Ideal Village Development Project, Roha



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Academic Programs




Case Studies



CSR Cell, Karve Institute has been implementing the Ideal village development project since 2017 with the partnership of Sudarshan Chemical Industries Limited Roha. The goal of the project is to envisage a village where the opportunities are available to improve the quality of life of villagers & attain holistic development of the village. The thematic areas for the project are Skill development, Women empowerment, health, environment, and waste management and quality education.

Education -Teaching aids Distribution to
Health - docter  visit service 2018-19.j
blood donation by SCIL-KInSS staff.jpg

Health and Nutrition (Arogya Sakhi Project)

  • Workers as Arogyasakhi. 

  • Training On - Behaviour Change Communication & Counseling (BCC); Effective Use of First-Aid Kit; Psychosocial Interventions for Persons with Substance Abuse; Leadership and teamwork etc.

  • Three Days Exposure visit to "IHMP"& Ideal Village -''Gogalgaon“

  • One Baby one plant Program; Adolescent girls : menstruation hygiene & sanitation.

  • Linkages for government schemes.

Intervention with Adolescent girls

  • 75 % health issues reduced among the adolescent girls.

  • 70% girls are accepting the gender base discrimination is created by society.

  • Girls are more confident to discuss their issues with the parents and challenge the gender base discriminative norms.

  • Self-esteem increased among the girls.

Supportive Medical services "Doctor at Doorstep Project"

  • Regular doctor visit at Dhatav Adiwasiwadi (Twice a Month).

  • Medicine distribution after checkup.

  • Awareness and Counseling of patients

  • 03 Health checkup at camp at RZP Schools.

HB Check up Camp

  • Totally 801 patients have got treatment from 48 visits till December 2019.  

  • Increased health awareness among the community about quick diagnosis and treatment. 

  • Reduced superstition based traditional practices.  

Malnutrition Alleviation project (MAP Project)

  • Supplementary food distribution at ICDS Centre. 

  • Nutritious Thali Program. 

  • ANC/PNC Counseling & Nutrition guidance session. 06 Nutrition Awareness Program conducted at Anganwadi center.

  • Training to Anganwadi teacher, Arogyasakhi and Mother Parents.

  • 120 Children from 06 Anganwadi got the benefit of supplementary food at Anganwadi Center.  

  • 30 Women and Newborn child got additional food supplement at Anganwadi Center 

  • New cooking practice and hygienic norms adopted by Anganwadi teachers and mothers.  

Community Nutrition –Kitchen Garden Project

  • Total 350 families were covered. 

  • Per family Rs. 900 /- saving per month on vegetables. 

  • Awareness on consumption of Nutritious & Organic food.

  • Developed good habits - 80% Villagers continued Kitchen garden practices.  

Skill development

Fishing group - Kundalika Fishery Project

  • Total 24 family  covered under fishery livelihood  project

  • 02 SHGs are formed

  • 50% increase in  production and Monthly income. 

  • Net income increased from Rs. 2000/-  to Rs. 7500/- per person.

  • Upgraded fishing Skills with new techniques and  became Self dependent  for marketing.

Tribal Musical group (Sursangam Banjo Group)

  • Total 15 boys are engaged 

  • 5 Members are active in management & networking. 

  • Total savings of the group is 20K in a bank account as an emergency fund.

  • Net income per member per month Rs. 3,600/-

LED Bulb Making unit (Raigad Youth Group)

  • LED Bulb making training

  • Raw material distribution 

  • Life Skill and Leadership development training .

  • Marketing skill training 

  • Inauguration event.

  • Exhibitions at MDL diwali hut & Roha Mohttsav

  • Active engagement of 10 youth.

  • Total sales of 48,140.00 rupees.

  • Order from BEC chemical was successfully completed.

  • ISO certified  LED bulb product.

  • Contractual worker to Independent owner’s of  production units or an entrepreneurship.

Goat Rearing project (Killa Adiwasiwadi)

  • 62 Goats distributed to 5 Adiwasi families. 

  • 05 Goat vaccination camp.

  • 5 goat insurance claimed so far

  • 05 First aid kits distributed to the goat rearing family.

  • 25,000 claims (Insurance) received.

  • Outside migration stopped.

Tally with GST Course, Beauty parlour course, MS-SCIT Course, Home health aid course (Techno- Friendly Project)

  • Tally GST Course at M.B More School.

  • Girls who appeared for graduation benefited under the program.

  • 02 Tally with GST batches are completed

  • 3rd batch will be completed on Feb. 2020

  • First batch : 5 girls got jobs out of 11 girls.

  • Total 89 girls are covered under tally GST Course

  • Made aware about  opportunities in the accounting field.

  • Update knowledge about current requirement of job industries

Skill Development- Exposure visit at ind
Skill development. Fisheries Training 20
Health - Sanitary napkin vending machine

Women Empowerment and Livelihood Programme

  • Strengthening the Self Help Groups

  • Paper bag Project  :

  • Phenyl & Floor cleaner making project:

Strengthening the Self Help Groups

  • Conducted 20 mobilization meetings with 29 self help groups

  • Capacity building training on Record writing & Governance of the SHG.

  • Capacity building training on SHG Federation

  • Income generation training with self help groups.

  • Strong mobilization of women for Self & Village development.

  • 90% SHGs are following the “Panchsutri”.

  • 82% Group Started Record writing regularly.

  • 02 Village Organization's are formed

Paper bag Project  :

  • 15 Women started gaining net profit of Rs.500 per member monthly. 

  • Total paper bag project sale till December 2019 is Rs.1,00,985/- 

  • Increased occupational skills  such as production and marketing.

  • Increased motivation for being socially and financially Independent. 

Phenyl & Floor cleaner making project:

  • 10 women are trained under phenyl making units.

  • Total sale is Rs.5000/- (Jan 20). 

  • 30 Ltr. Phenyl,20 Ltr Liquid soap & 10 Ltr  dish wash product ready for sale.

  • Leadership skills, Marketing skills and confidence developed. 

ek janm ek vruksh.jpg

Quality Education

Digital School Through - E- Learning Set up

  • Total 11 e-learning set installed among the 4 School and 5  Anganwadi.

  • 450 students beneficiaries covered 

  • 10% Performance Increased of Teachers and Students . 

Remedial Class

  • Reduced fear factor & increased enthusiasm among students.

  • Increased reading, writing and grasping power. 

  • Parents are taking initiatives and sending their children to formal school. And ensuring the 100 % attendance.

  • Increased in student’s sports and academic performance.

Mazya Swapnatil Shala Project (ISO Project)

  • 1 RZPS school & 1 ICDS Centre Mahadevwadi got ISO Cert. 

  • 100% students are getting a quality education.

  • Established Quality management system.

  • 100% SMC’s active participation. 

  • Education friendly environment and affectivity.

Environment and Waste management

  • 100% beneficiaries adopted the CP technology. 

  • Daily 151 kg wet waste treated.

  • 5.5 ton of wet waste treated & converted into compost manure during 2018-19.

  • River edge is observed free from wet  and dry waste. 

  • GP members and villagers are motivated to adopt the system. 

  • 250 families have converged through the project. 

  • Village got a complete solution for waste management and adopted the  waste segregation habits. 

  • Gram Panchayat taking ownership of the project.

Tree Plantation

  • Tree plantation and nurturing trainings; 

  • Total 2004 tree distributed in two year; Organic fertilizer distribution. 

  • 87% of the trees are survived and taken ownership by the villagers.

Project Gallery

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