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Environment and Agriculture Based
Livelihood Project, Beed

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Key Achievements

A) Livestock Development:

A.1: Distribution of Fodder at Camp and at village level for 1000 cattle

  • Total 8850 kg mineral mixture (Fodder) distributed  to the farmers of Parner, Shikharwadi and Kutewadi

  • Total 7150 kg – in Rohatwadi fodder camp

A.2: Veterinary camp for the animals of farmers from 8 villages. 

  • Total 1,117 animals owned by 188 beneficiaries have been treated for fever, infertility, gadfly type of diseases, etc.

B) Water Conservation (Sludge removal and deepening of lakes in three villages and Slit removal  & renovation of Wells)

  • Three lakes from Kutewadi, Parner and Shikharwadi – deepening and sludge removal in 2016-17. 

  • Two wells from Parner rejuvenated. 

C) FRUIT TREE PLANTATION (Fruit tree plantation for Agriculture based livelihood and its Survival by  Farmers)

  • Total 33,271 fruit plants distributed among 1013 farmers of 8 villages in 2016. The Survival rate of 2017 was 85% and now in December 2019 67%.

  • 1013 farmers have done ‘Shramdaan’ which amounted to approximately Rs. 21 lakhs.

  • 213 Farmers started getting income from lemon trees and Custard apples.  Till march 2019 total production  of lemon– 1256 kg Income Rs. 43,937/- 

  • Mango trees are ready to provide good income from the current year. 

D) Development of Farmers Producer Company as Sustainable Livelihood Model (Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee) 2016-18 and 2018-20

  • Formation of Farmers Interest Groups (FIGs): 391 farmers from 8 villages have been linked through formation of 23 groups along with Bank Linkages. 

  • Registration of Farmers Producer Company / APMC: on 16/04/2018.

  • Construction of  Farmers Producer Company building. 

  • Installation of Machinery.

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